Becoming personally involved with each of her clients, the versatile visual artist, life coach and personal brand leader, May Bagnell has created a powerful niche as a lifestyle portrait and brand photographer. She and her husband, Dr. Michael Bagnell, have 3 adult children they love, 2 granddaughters they adore and together have run and operated Bagnell Chiropractic & Brain Center. They have had a successful practice in Miami, Florida for over 27 years now effectively transforming the health and lives of thousands of patients. They love doing life and business together as well as mentor other doctors in the art of a fulfilling practice.
May co-authored the best-selling book Common Sense But Uncommon Knowledge with the legendary, Brian Tracy. Her chapter, Framing Possibility, sparked her to create her deeply transformative online course, Framing Possibilities: Developing a Portrait of a Life-Well Lived. She has been trained by the Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention, Divine Living’s Gina Devee, Landmark Education and others May curates stories, crafts images and coaches clients toward living a bigger life. She speaks to audiences on the power of personal and professional development and the ripple effect of knowing and finally owning your personal brand.